MediaWiki API hulp
This is an auto-generated MediaWiki API documentation page.
Documentation and examples:
list=search (sr)
- Voor deze module zijn leesrechten nodig.
- This module can be used as a generator.
- Bron: MediaWiki
- Licentie: GPL-2.0-or-later
Voer een zoekopdracht in de volledige tekst uit.
- srsearch
Search for page titles or content matching this value. You can use the search string to invoke special search features, depending on what the wiki's search backend implements.
- Deze parameter is verplicht.
- srnamespace
Search only within these namespaces.
- Waarden (gescheiden met | of alternatief): 0, NS_1930, NS_1930_TALK, NS_1932, NS_1932_TALK, NS_1936, NS_1936_TALK, NS_1949, NS_1949_TALK, NS_1959, NS_1959_TALK, NS_1963, NS_1963_TALK, NS_1975, NS_1975_TALK, NS_1982, NS_1982_TALK, NS_1987, NS_1987_TALK, NS_1997, NS_1997_TALK, NS_2007, NS_2007_TALK, NS_2017, NS_2017_TALK, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 2300, 2301, 2302, 2303
- Gebruik * om alle waarden op te geven.
- Standaard: 0
- srlimit
Hoeveel pagina's te tonen.
- Niet meer dan 500 (5.000 voor bots) toegestaan.
- Type: geheel getal of max
- Standaard: 10
- sroffset
When more results are available, use this to continue.
- Type: geheel getal
- Standaard: 0
- srwhat
Which type of search to perform.
- Een van de volgende waarden: title, text, nearmatch
- srinfo
Which metadata to return.
- Waarden (gescheiden met | of alternatief): totalhits, suggestion, rewrittenquery
- Standaard: totalhits|suggestion|rewrittenquery
- srprop
Which properties to return:
- size
- Adds the size of the page in bytes.
- wordcount
- Adds the word count of the page.
- timestamp
- Adds the timestamp of when the page was last edited.
- snippet
- Adds a parsed snippet of the page.
- titlesnippet
- Adds a parsed snippet of the page title.
- redirecttitle
- Adds the title of the matching redirect.
- redirectsnippet
- Adds a parsed snippet of the redirect title.
- sectiontitle
- Adds the title of the matching section.
- sectionsnippet
- Adds a parsed snippet of the matching section title.
- isfilematch
- Adds a boolean indicating if the search matched file content.
- categorysnippet
- Adds a parsed snippet of the matching category.
- score
- Verouderd. Genegeerd.
- hasrelated
- Verouderd. Genegeerd.
- extensiondata
- Adds extra data generated by extensions.
- Waarden (gescheiden met | of alternatief): size, wordcount, timestamp, snippet, titlesnippet, redirecttitle, redirectsnippet, sectiontitle, sectionsnippet, isfilematch, categorysnippet, score, hasrelated, extensiondata
- Standaard: size|wordcount|timestamp|snippet
- srinterwiki
Include interwiki results in the search, if available.
- Type: boolean (details)
- srenablerewrites
Enable internal query rewriting. Some search backends can rewrite the query into another which is thought to provide better results, for instance by correcting spelling errors.
- Type: boolean (details)
- srsort
Set the sort order of returned results.
- Een van de volgende waarden: relevance
- Standaard: relevance
- Zoeken naar meaning.
- api.php?action=query&list=search&srsearch=meaning [open in de zandbak]
- Search texts for meaning.
- api.php?action=query&list=search&srwhat=text&srsearch=meaning [open in de zandbak]
- Get page info about the pages returned for a search for meaning.
- api.php?action=query&generator=search&gsrsearch=meaning&prop=info [open in de zandbak]